Thursday, May 11, 2006

Quote Of The Day

Courtesy of White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, today in his last White House Press Briefing, and last day on the job, when asked about recent negative comments made by the Bush Administration over some candidates in upcoming Nicaraguan and Peruvian presidential elections, despite the administration's policy of not commenting on foreign elections.

"I think it's up to the people of those countries to choose who their president will be. But what's important for the United States is to continue to emphasize the importance of democracy in the hemisphere and to emphasize the importance of good governance and to emphasize the importance of rule of law and to talk about ways we can work together to lift people out of poverty and to help them realize better quality -- a better quality of life."

Democracy? Good governance? Rule of law? Lifting people out of poverty? Quality of life? Sounds terrific, but couldn't Bush start applying some of those good ideas to our country first since he's pretty much destroyed them all here in the past 6 years? Is it any wonder that he has absolutely no credibility with most other countries in the world and only about 30% of his own citizens (and dropping) find him tolerable? Just sad. So, we'll miss you and your bold faced lies, Scotty - even if just to ridicule you, you complete tool.

"One more lie and then I've got to go."


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