Saturday, May 06, 2006

Jowl Of The Day

Due to today's big and surprising news about CIA Director Porter Goss resigning from his post, I bring you the Jowl Of The Day: Randall "Duke" Cunningham. If it's the Goss news that's taking place, then why is the Dukester the JOTD, you may be asking. 2 reasons: first, Goss does not have any jowl and second, the Cunningham scandal is probably the reason for Goss's departure. Oh, most of the mainstream media is afraid to say it because they don't yet have conclusive evidence and are too lazy or corrupt to really investigate it. However, the blogging world has been way ahead on this and everyday they are being proven right.

So, anyway, for anyone who hasn't been paying attention, Cunningham is the Republican Congressman who had to resign recently because he got caught doing lots of illegal stuff that involved defense contractors in his California district, his home, conspiracy to commit fraud, his yacht, bribe's, etc. He ended up pleading guilty and getting 8 years in prison. Read some of the Dukester's corruption bio here (which also includes info on his homophobic votes and rhetoric): Gay Rights Watch

Cunningham getting misty-eyed and jowley during his resignation. Hey Duke, cry me a river.

But the story didn't end there. Recently, the FBI opened an investigation into private 'poker' parties Cunningham had on his yacht and at the Watergate Hotel that involved contractors giving the Dukester and his political cronies free rooms, limo rides and prostitutes. Yep, that's right - a full blown sex scandal. Yah! So what ties all this into Porter Goss is that it appears some very high up CIA agents were probably involved in these 'poker' parties where prostitutes attended and the speculation is that Goss may have participated too or at least known about them. Read a more complete accounting here: Harpers

Extreme corruption - Duke's American way.

So the mainstream press is only willing to say that Goss's bombshell surprise resignation today was just because Bush is restructuring his administration, but I think any reasonable person knows better. Was Goss involved in Duke's parties? I don't know, but I do know that Bush's CIA Director doesn't just up and quit after 19 months on the job when he and his whole upper CIA management is rumored to be involved in a sex scandal while the president's opinion polls are at there lowest point ever, unless there really is something to all this speculation. I feel pretty confident that this resignation is not the end of Goss's name in the paper. So for his 'illegal 'poker' parties, his possible contribution to bringing down really corrupt CIA Director Porter Goss and for helping to put one more chink into the quickly disentigrating Bush armor, our Jowl Of The Day goes to Randall "Duke" Cunningham.

"Me and my jowl are going where for 8 years?"

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