Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Guess Who's Got A Big Federbun In Her Oven?

That's right ya'll, I was watching David Letterman tonight and a badly dressed Mrs. B-Fed came out and made jokes with Dave, read the top 10 list (horribly, I might add) and officially said she was pregnant when Dave asked her for sure if she was. Note to Brit: if you are going to be appearing on national tv and you have the arms of Liz Taylor, wear sleeves. I was mesmerized by all the hanging flesh and almost missed the announcement I was so distracted.

So there you go. No one really cares if she's pregnant and everyone already knew it anyway, but just to verify it for you bitches in case you had a pool going with your coworkers, I thought I would let you know. Now you can go back to living productive lives and planning the Britney baby shower that you're gonna hold for all your stuffed animals in a few months.

BTW, K-Fed has got to be the most fertile MF on the planet. He seems to be able to get a girl pregnant just by farting in the same room with her. It's a good thing he is so ugly then. It helps to counter balance his excessively fertile sperm. Otherwise half of Southern California would be knocked up. Mother nature is funny how she does stuff like that. It's all the 'Circle Of Life' people.

I will say though, that if a nuclear bomb is ever dropped and mankind is almost destroyed, I really hope K-Fed survives to repopulate the Earth. If that doesn't happen, then I hope he expires quickly and painfully - and soon.

Here's my little Brit acting article, in case you missed it before. Enjoy. JM's Britney Spears School Of Acting Brochure

"That's right baby, just lay your head on my shoulder, but keep that penis 10 feet away from me. I don't need anymore Federspawn."


Anonymous said...

I dont think her c-section scar has fully healed yet. Doctor musta been PISSED.

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.