Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Quote Of The Day

Courtesy of Russell Crowe recently when talking about Sharon Stone and her face in relation to plastic surgery.

"A lot seems to have changed. When are you not you any more? At what point do you have to get a name change, too? You can end up looking like a startled chimpanzee. The eyes are gone, the lips are like rubber tires - or more like an orangutan that has been kicked in the arse."

Hmmm. Sharon Stone is the person who brought Russell Crowe to US audiences for the first time by insisting that the movie studio sign him for her movie "The Quick & The Dead" and she wouldn't sign on until they got him (despite the movie studio's protests). That was back when Sharon was a big star and Russell was a nobody. Now that the tables are reversed, seems like Mr. Crowe is an awfully ungrateful Aussie asshole. Nothing like kicking a plastic surgery victim when she's down.

"I don't know what Russell is talking about. No scalpel has ever touched my face - maybe some needles, a spackling spatula and a blow torch, but never a scalpel."

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