Thursday, May 11, 2006

And Then There Were 3...

Two great reality show events happened this evening and both shows are now down to 3 contestants each. One departure was surprising - one not so surprising.


Bub-bye Chris.

In a shocking turn of events this evening, Chris headed out of the American Idol door and into the embracing arms of 12 year olds and horny middle aged female rock fans everywhere. He was pretty much the favorite to win everything because of his solid rock voice, shiny head and sultry stares. What killed him tonight then? I think it was his overpraised & lackluster (yeah, I'll say it, even downright boring) performances from last night (especially Elvis's 'Suspicious Minds'). The judges had given Chris his typical slow and tender rim job last night and seemed to be afraid to criticize him for what were really average performances on an Elvis ROCK Night. Big mistake. They also slightly underpraised Katharine for what were really no better or no worse performances than Chris's. You would think they would have learned from the week they unfairly criticized her on the Whitney Houston song to be as fair with her as possible because her fans have a way of putting a real hurt on the other contestants when they feel they have a reason to.

It wasn't the first time Chris was a little lackluster and, for supposedly being the edgy rock guy, his song choices were often lacking (Creed? Styx? Bryan Adams????), but ultimately I think he lost because the judges think they know how to manipulate the audience... and they don't. It's obvious that they wanted him to win the entire show this year and they seemed a little shaken that he was the one who was sent packing tonight. If they had been smart, they would have been a lot more critical of him last night. Anyone who liked him, but didn't 'love' him, had no reason to call in their vote for him Tuesday evening. After the tongue bath the judges gave him, they figured he was safe and they turned their attention to the voting of the person they REALLY loved. Simon should know better than that. Too bad, so sad, but yah for Katharine! She's my idol.

Suspicious Minds want to know why he's leaving.


Surprise, surprise... well not so surprising, Sara was the big loser on ANTM tonight. It didn't come too soon for me. Too tall, too boring, too untrained, too boring, too gawky, too boring (did I mention too boring?). It wasn't actually that interesting of a show tonight except for the typical Jadeisms and her fake sadness at the mention of the tsunami that killed 250,000 last year. Bitch can't even work up some real emotion for that. Man, she's mean and she's stupid, but she's fun to watch and takes great pictures. However, she deserves a slow painful descent into oblivion when all this is over.

So bub-bye Sara, don't let Jade trip your giraffe legs as you walk your bony ass off of Tyra's fake set.

Sara finally leafs the show.

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