Thursday, May 11, 2006

Congratulate Me

Yah! We have officially hit 1000 site views last night. That means millions of people now have a little Jowl Movement to start their day. That's how it works, right? 1000 readers for every 1 view to make a million total Jowl Movement readers? I'm pretty sure that's correct. Now lets get it up to 10 million views by the end of the month. It could happen.

No, really, thanks to all the people who actually do occasionally check out the blog. I've heard from a few of you and hopefully it's getting passed around a little. The traffic has definitely been moving faster in the last few days, so that is a good sign. So thanks again if you read it, thanks if you comment on it and triple thanks if you have ever recommended JM to anyone. You rock.

"I'm cool because I read Jowl Movement everyday. How else am I gonna know what's happeneing to George Bush and Tara Reid?"


Anonymous said...

I only look at this out of pity.

Tallsonofagun said...

Actually, I pity you Allison. You're my lone sad comment on this post which means you have no life and nothing to do tonight but read my blog. Sad. But thank you anyway for reading and commenting. Even lonely girls are welcome here.

Anonymous said...

hey! I check everyday your site, but maybe it doesn´t count because I´m your boyfriend! .... :o)

Felicidades CariƱo!

Tallsonofagun said...

It always counts baby. It counts double because you are my boyfriend and you are in Spain. So keep commenting all you want. Besitos.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.