Sunday, April 30, 2006

Heading To The Big House?

Okay, I know we've been hearing the rumours for over a year now and most of us have been crossing our fingers for the fateful day to come (at least those of us who have half a brain and a sense of fairness), but is Karl Rove finally days away from taking the Perp Walk? With his new grand jury visits this past week and his recent job downgrade in the White House to re-election guru, it's looking more and more like Fitzmas is finally coming. I've got my bottle of Moet & Chandon White Star on ice and my friends on redial for when the announcement is made in the next week.

I almost opened the bottle yesterday when Rush Limbaugh was arrested, but decided that Rove's incarceration is a more appropriate time to break into a $40 bottle of champagne. I went out and bought a bottle of Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante for Rush's news instead. He may be the world's greatest ass, but since he has no direct political power, he's really only worth a $10 bottle of fizzy wine. So cross your fingers folks. That bottle of White Star is beckoning me and I don't know if I can hold off for more than another week or so for Rove to be indicted.

It's not real, but here's a picture to cheer you up while we wait for the announcement. Merry Fitzmas!

"Valerie who? I've never heard of her, I swear!"

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