Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tired of the same discussions over and over again. Obama is an angel or a devil depending on what you choose to believe and Obamacare is legal whether you like it or not and no one seems to be changing anyone else's mind on FB. And the heat is here, we're all miserable. Stay as cool as you can and hydrate yourself and your animals. It will pass. Now, next topic, please!

Friday, June 29, 2012

There is so much Hello Kitty stuff here in Spain. I hate it all!
Had these the other night and they were so good.
Some people on FB drive me crazy with their stupidity.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

So hot today!
My second one. These are all mine, BTW - Chema bought them for me.
Wow! It's been almost 5 years since I've posted something on this blog. Since I've been on Facebook, I've realized that someone out there is making all these picture posts that everyone just keeps sharing and passing around. Sometimes they're clever and a lot of times, they sort of suck. I figure I can make my own and am curious to see if they get passed around and if they ever come back to me. So, at the moment, I'm gonna post them here first before I do on FB, just so I can prove that I started them and see if any of them ever get any traction. My initials RW will always be in the bottom left corner, although I'm sure they will eventually get cropped out by someone. Anyway, here is my first. Let's see how this works.